Tuesday, 1 December 2015


Are there days when you want to talk and no words come out?
when you want to speak and there’s no inspiration,
when you want to live but life doesn’t want any part of you
Those days happen, to me, to everyone, but they happen most times to some people.

Imagine what it will be like to have to take your bath with your cloths on,
To have to make up before every selfie,
To have to take permission before you pass ‘flatus’

Many people don’t have to imagine it, they live it……. maybe not exactly
But it doesn’t have to be so.
For many awesome years, few people have been on the forefront of a war that is for everyone- the war against HIV/AIDS

In the words of Charlie Sheen “ everyday of every month, of every year, countless of individuals go to work, man their stations, fulfill their professional obligations with a host of disabilities, diseases, imperfections, hurdles, detours………….treated, HIV is no different".

Today’s message goes to everyone
To those who don’t yet know their status –Get tested
To those who know their status- Live right
To those on a vengeful mission- Lay down your arms spread the message not the virus
To our dear brothers and sisters who think being healthy is an exclusive merit of theirs, think about that positive infant who knows not the origin of his status, think about that girl child who was raped, think about that helpless victim whose life was saved with that blood transfusion, think about that ignorant spouse whose partner chose to keep a secret, think about  that young man who could only get a shave in the town barber’s shop, think about all those things you never did right but didn’t have to pay for them. Think about HUMANITY.

I think its time for everyone to join in the fight, not against the victims, but against the Virus.
Let us take it down to the zero level:
Zero new infections
Zero stigmatization
Zero discrimination

Zero deaths.

its WORLD AIDS' DAY 2015

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