Monday, 11 April 2016

Life’s lessons- PLAN NOT TO FAIL

Yesterday being mothers’ day, I made a huge pot of fried rice using a recipe I had perfected over the years from experience, I looked back and realized how far I had come and most importantly the falls, bruises, ascents and scars that have been significant in my process of accretion.
I recalled one experience that has never left my memory. I was about 6 years younger than I am now and the youth in my parish were organizing a cooking competition, I was selected to represent my group alongside another member of our all- winning group. All necessary preparations were done, armed with money in our pockets, we went to the market and bought the necessities for the big day. I come from a family where purchases especially kitchen supplies are often made in large quantities because of large number of mouths to feed and also because of my economic principle of buying more to save more which not everyone will understand. I bought accordingly.
On the big day, we presented our ingredients and set off cooking, we cooked deliciously of course but we ended up with the second position. The judges did not only buttress our strengths and successes, they also told us where we went wrong. Ours was in buying and presenting more than we needed for the competition at hand, ours was in not applying simple planning strategies, we failed to plan accordingly for the project, we had excesses, it was outright waste.
Knowledge isn’t always enough for success, having the wisdom to apply knowledge appropriately is an indispensable key. In every project and every activity, proper planning, budgeting and allocation of available resources not only ensure success, they leave us with a feeling of satisfaction. Why do it anyhow when you can do it the right way.
I take every failure and loss I encounter very seriously, not because I lack the spirit of sportsmanship but because I usually have a hard time getting over the feeling of inadequacy and unpreparedness. I always beat up myself for not having done better when I clearly could have. It comes with great prices of sleepless nights but at the end of it all, the experience equips me with lessons and a decision to do better next time. When such opportunities present themselves again, knowing where I had failed earlier, I come out better because experience taught me so.

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