Thursday 27 April 2017


I write with so much pain, the situation of our society wearies me, the condition of 'Manhood' is critical.
I've seen men criticizing girls for having the 'Aristo' mentality,
I have seen new generation men who no longer find it okay marrying women who have low paying jobs or no jobs at all,
Recently  I saw an interview  of women in the international  fish market lagos ,where  they expressed regrettably that men were no longer fending for their homes.
There is so much laziness and irresponsibility among our growing men,
This  forces me to ask,  where are the MEN? , Are there no MEN in our land? have they been replaced by overgrown babies and old boys.
Where is the dignity of MANHOOD ? these days it is believed to be found in the number of women you are able to sleep with , 
Gone  are the days of Okonkwo in Chinua Achebe's things fall apart when men were known by their strength and hardwork.Things  have indeed fallen apart.

Irrespective of the assumption that  a child gone bad is a product of a mother's lapses, Every promiscuous woman you see today is as a result of a man's failure to do his duty. A father's absence in his children's lives, a father's failure to discipline his children, a father's failure to provide for his children, a man's failure to protect every woman he sees. 

In the african tradition, a man is seen as the head of a family, no matter how little he is, he is regarded as a father figure in the life of the women in his house. Irrespective of his birth order, be he the last child or the first, a man assumes a fatherly role over the women in his life
This is a wake up call to the men, rise up to your duties
Rise up as a father
Rise up as a provider
Rise up as a protector
Rise up as a warrior, defend her, defend her honour, defend your wives, defend your sisters, defend your daughters

I may not have seen everything, but in my short stay here on earth, I have seen enough irresponsibility, enough to make my heart ache, so much that tears roll from my eyes, and I wonder, what does the future hold?
Where is the dignity of manhood?
Keduzie ugwu e jiri mara nwoke?

Rise up o ye men, rise up!
Wake up from your deep slumber
Gird your loins with strength
Fortify your arms
No matter the emancipation we undergo, we still need you

We need you to lead us in prayer
We need you to lead us to the farmyard
We need you to lead us to the battlefield of life
We need you to help us build the homes
We need you to lead the society aright
We still need you

May we be able to raise our sons to be men, men who know their worth
I am a function of a man's labour
I am a function of a father's discipline 
I am a function of a brother (s) duties
I am a function of a mother's virtue
I am a composite product of people who rose up to their responsibilities 

Let the dignity of man be restored

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